Webpage of Şükrü Ekin Kocabaş

Sukru Ekin Kocabas portrait

Welcome. I am a senior display engineer at Apple focusing on next generation display architectures. This website provides information about myself, and my past professional activities.

Contact Info

You can reach me by sending an email to the following address:
☞ekinalumni°stanford°edu (remove ☞, use @ and .)

Professional Experience


Research Overview

Here is my Google Scholar account.

I have worked on modeling, fabrication and optical characterization of photonic devices such as waveguides (both single/few mode ones as used in optical communications, and macroscopic ones such as those used augmented reality displays), resonators and detectors. I also worked on the quantum mechanical modeling of qubit – photon interactions within waveguides.

Currently, I am focusing mostly on modeling of optical systems.

Journal Publications / Preprints

Please refer to the Google Scholar link above for more up to date content.

To turn on all of the abstracts please click toggle.

Conference Publications


Thesis Supervision

Teaching Experience