Webpage of Şükrü Ekin Kocabaş

Sukru Ekin Kocabas portrait

Welcome. I am a senior research scientist at Corning focusing on integrated photonics. This website provides information about myself, and the research and teaching activities that I have been involved in.

Contact Info

You can reach me by sending an email to the following address:
☞ekinalumni°stanford°edu (remove ☞, use @ and .)


Professional Experience

Research Overview

Here are my ResearcherID, ORCID and Google Scholar accounts.

I have worked on modeling, fabrication and optical characterization of photonic devices such as waveguides, resonators and detectors. I also worked on the quantum mechanical modeling of qubit – photon interactions within waveguides.

Journal Publications / Preprints

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Conference Publications


Thesis Supervision

Teaching Experience